Thursday 7 January 2010

Goats Cheese and Spinach Lasagne

Yeah, this might be sad. But it's one of my new years resolutions to cook more, AND blog more. It was bloody nice too!! Here you go:

Saturday 2 January 2010

New Year's Resolutions

'So, this is the New Year and I have no resolutions'

Well, actually I do,

I figured if I 'published' them, I'd be more inclined to stick to them.

1) The old faithful - lose weight/get fit etc.

At the moment I'm in between 13 and 13+1/2 stone. Ideally I'd like to be pushing 12 or 12+1/2 by Summer, or generally be thinner.

2) Be less flaky.

I decided that a lot of the time I can be a bit of let down, so I'm not gonna do it any more, unless it's something that I really don't wanna do. (It's basically, say 'yes' more)

3) Get 'cut'.

I've wanted some tattoos for ages, and now I have a sort of idea of what I want.

A Bukowski quote: "There is a light somewhere, it may not be much light, but it beats the darkness"
and a quote from Slaughterhouse Five: "So it goes".

Just two things that I find particularly inspiring/beautiful.

4) Move out.

Quite self explanatory really.

5) Don't buy any more DVD's until I've watched all the ones I haven't watched yet.

I just bought 3 more too :(, which makes the list of films I need to watch about 90+ (this includes the rest of a Hitchcock Box set, a Hammer Horror Box set, a Tin Tin Box set, IT and Carrie)

6) Get another band sorted/do some open mic nights.

Despite chronic shyness around open mic nights, this would be quite fun to do. Minor aim is to play the Christmas cover's bash next year too :P (Afroman baby!!)

There's a few more NYR's, but I think they're minor ones which would be good if I could resolve, but these are the easiest/most realistic I think.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Driving home 3 years ago at Christmas

I just found some old photos from a few Christmases ago. These were taken from my Dad's car as we drove back from Lincoln to Nottingham.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Murol, 2008

Some photos that I found on a drive from last Summer in France.

Friday 30 October 2009

Belin, 2009

Several photos from Berlin. Mostly around Alexanderplatz and from the hostel window.

There are only a few because of one dodgy camera battery.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Monday 14 September 2009